Well, her ability to sing can be debated but, what the hell, here's a song she's best know for:
Marianne does my favorite performance of "I've Got You Babe." Sonny and Cher don't come close to this.
12 hours ago
"You're stepping on the tail."
Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom.
The White House has acknowledged that former Sen. Tom Daschle, President Obama's nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, had "some tax issues," which, the administration says, have been resolved and shouldn't bar his confirmation as secretary."Some tax issues????" This on top of what I see is an ethics issue, i.e. a "free" car and driver with, I'm sure, no expectations of recompense.
FOX News confirmed that Daschle alerted the Senate Finance Committee, which will oversee his confirmation hearing, that the matter involves more than $100,000 in back taxes and interest for a car and driver that was provided to him for four years by Leo Hindery, a wealthy Democratic donor, longtime friend and business associate of Daschle.
Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.No! Not in Obama's America! FEMA dropping the ball only happens in Chimpy McBushHitler Haliburton's America. And gets reported, re-reported, and re-re-reported by the MSM using outraged tones of indignation and condemnation. But not now. We have Hope and Change now.
Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so far.
"I'm not saying we can't handle it; we'll hand it," Smith said. "But it would have made life a lot easier" if FEMA had reached the county sooner, he said.
By way of tribute to JMB, I propose a sort-of meme for real firearms enthusiasts, collectors, acquisitors, and tinkerers only. Take Tam’s list below and see which of the grand ole guy’s brain children you have. Better, add more detail: Embolden or put a + (plus sign) by those you currently own. Put an asterisk (*) next to those you HAVE HAD but don’t currently. (So many are financially unable to keep ALL the neat guns they’ve had. There was a period that I could only own them sequentially and had to sell or trade off some in order to obtain others.)
"We can handle it," he said, noting that snow on the ground could even add to the party atmosphere, "like at a ski resort."Yeah. Right. Like a friggin' party in a ski resort parking lot 'cause that's what the Downtown and the IUPUI campus turn into every time it snows, even a little, before rush hour. Everyone leaves work early and all these Hoosier drivers never heard that gridlocking is illegal, much less damned rude and inconsiderate. You never see a cop directing traffic at key intersections or handing out tickets to these fidgets.* David Sherman should get out more when it snows.
"I'm 100 percent confident that the city and DPW will have procedures and plans in place that will be 100 percent effective in keeping streets and sidewalks clear for the Super Bowl."I wonder what those plans will be? Block off traffic from the Downtown if it's going to snow? By the way, she called that one in from Tampa.
So far there is just one media outlet that dared to report this story on Dear Leader compared to the 9,480 articles that reported the "Bush Beijing locked door."
Message sent - 1/28/2009
IUPUI Campus Closed and Classes Cancelled
JagAlert! The IUPUI campus will be closed and classes are cancelled on Wednesday January 28, 2009. For additional information and updates, visit www.iupui.edu/alert, call 317-278-1600, or stay tuned to local area media, including AM 1610. Again, the IUPUI campus is closed and classes are cancelled. For additional information and updates, visit www.iupui.edu/alert, call 317-278-1600, or stay tuned to local area media, including AM 1610. Campus will reopen on Thursday January 29. End of message.
WINCHESTER, Ind. -- Authorities say a Winchester woman accused of biting her 6-month-old granddaughter blamed the teeth marks on the family dog.
A probable cause affidavit says that 57-year-old Penny L. Huston also suggested to officials that the infant might have bitten herself. . .
Court documents say Huston insisted she didn't have enough teeth to bite the child, but police say gaps in her teeth "could very possibly" line up with the bite marks.
Because we can’t have gasoline prices cheaper when Bush leaves office than when he came into office - which was the situation 2-3 weeks ago.and it reminded me of conversations with my brother who said, when we were discussing the Economy being in the crapper, that things would immediately get better after Obama becomes president because the Media will write it that way.
To: IUPUISAFETY-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDUFor a sense of where this occured:
Subject: [IUPUISAFETY-L] Crime Alert-Robbery
An IUPUI employee reported at approximately 6:45 p.m. on January 16, 2008 she was approached by two people sprayed with a liquid and robbed of her purse in IUPUI Lot 69 at 800 W. North Street.
There are two suspects. The first is described as black, possibly female, approximately 5’3”, thin build, wearing a short white coat and dark pants. The second suspect is described as black with a thin build. The suspects were last seen running south on Blake Street from North Street.
If you have information about this or any crime at IUPUI, contact the IUPUI Police at 317-274-7911.
(Memphis, TN 1/15/2009) LeMoyne-Owen College is on lockdown after a robbery during class.All I can say to the anti-self defense/gun banners there at LeMoyne-Owen College is:
A student tells us a man with a wig walked into a class on campus with a gun and demanded purses and wallets.
18 students were in class at the time.
Those are wishful thoughts for many reasons; but that hasn't stopped gun rights advocates across the nation, including Indiana state Sen. Johnny Nugent, from promoting abolition of the general ban on gun-packing on campus by non-security personnel. Nugent says Senate Bill 12, which would abolish the authority of universities to prohibit weapons, would make campuses safer by giving everyone a chance to defend himself. The people who run universities say the opposite would happen, and we agreeThe rest of the editorial is filled with the usual talking points of the anti-self defense/gun-banning crowd. Stuff like the old chestnut of the dangers of riotous drunk and armed students:
Far more likely is the prospect of tragedy resulting from random possession of firearms in a dense population of young people, where arguments, fights, alcohol, inexperience and rash judgment already make for a volatile mix. When college administrators already are losing sleep over the epidemic of binge drinking, the vision of free-flowing concealed weapons has to be the stuff of nightmares.Such fictional imaginings take precedence over any concern for a young African-American woman, coming out of an abusive relationship, who is forced to wait for the city bus at night by herself. Or the Armed Forces Veteran, trained in weaponry, who has returned to complete her degree and takes night classes and feels uncomfortable walking through a dark parking lot to her car. Or someone like me who teaches an evening class and would like to take the bus home from downtown but feels it unsafe after being disarmed by IUPUI.
The son of Indiana University president Michael McRobbie faces marijuana charges after police searched his dorm room on the Bloomington campus.Part of the requirements of being an IU spokesman is being able to say shit like that with a straight face.
Lucien R. McRobbie, 18, was arrested Saturday and faces preliminary charges of possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia, both misdemeanors.
A resident assistant in the McNutt Quad smelled the marijuana smoke and contacted the IU police department, The Bloomington Herald-Times reported. Police searched McRobbie's room and found marijuana.
McRobbie, a freshman, was booked into Monroe County Jail and released on his own recognizance, the Indiana Daily Student newspaper reported.
"The president considers it a private family matter and it will be handled accordingly," IU spokesman Larry MacIntyre told the Daily Student.
MacIntyre said the specifics of student disciplinary matters are not made public. "He will be treated just as if he was any other student," he said. "We treat all students the same regardless of who their parents might be.
As far as I'm concerned, enough machine guns and dead Nazis will cover for nearly any movie-making sin. I can't think of a single movie, from It's A Wonderful Life to Mary Poppins, that wouldn't be improved by a whole bunch of machine guns and dead Nazis.
A 13-year-old girl was in her Floyd County home when she was struck by a round fired from an AR-15 rifle. . .Do you think their identification of the weapon as a firearm that is considered by many as an "assault rifle" might have something to do with a climate that will welcome a ban on such weapons? Naw. . .that can't be.
"I say, Shomes . . . How do you know all this furshluginer stuff?" |