Adam Savage tells of MythBusters and RFID at the start of this clip. (The rest is good, too.)
h/t to The Consumerist.
12 hours ago
"You're stepping on the tail."
IUPUI POLICEHey, I'm willing to help here. I'll make sure any unwanted ammo is safely destroyed particularly any .45ACP rounds and 12 and 20 gauge shotgun shells. I'll even take your .270 Winchester and .35 Remington rifle ammo. Deer season is just around the corner.
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
1232 W Michigan Street
Indianapolis IN 46202
August 29, 2008
08/28/08, 0800
08000854 Other
Lot 62 – 345 N. Lansing Street
An employee waved down an officer and turned over a box of ammunition she had found in her home. The ammunition had belonged to her ex-husband and she wanted to turn it over to police so that it could be safely destroyed.
"Now, maybe my brother can rest."Yeah, right. He's at rest knowing that he was able to win ya the Big Bucks in the Litigation Lottery.
"I think I'm not letting my kids go down that slide anymore."
Sarah Brown [owner of the goats] said she believes town officials have a personal agenda against her and her family.You think? I'm beginning to see that there's a plethora of petty little Hitlers in a lot of local government.
"We've got a bunch of bullies trying to take people's animals away," Brown said.
Faced with rising fuel costs and higher demand for bus service, IndyGo has proposed increasing its fares by 25 cents per trip beginning in January.Now I can understand this. The rising price of fuel has boosted the price of just about everything. But when they say:
The increase, presented Monday to a City-County Council committee as part of the agency's 2009 budget, would bump the cost of a bus ride to $1.75.
"We're doing everything we can to preserve what little service we have as it is," said Michael Terry, IndyGo's interim president and chief executive officer.I lose it. As I said before, they just do not get it. Local politicians will fall all over themselves to hand money to Jim Irsay and the Colts, seeing the Lucas Oil Stadium as an amenity. But they don't see the bus system as an amenity. They could have pumped some of that $750 million spent on the Lucas Oil Stadium into IndyGo and advertised Indianapolis as a city where you can "park you car and never have to use it again" but instead chose the route of offering the plebes bread and circuses at that goddam stadium.
". . .we need to make sure everything is revealed before we take any action."No, I think we've seen enough.
"The number of American fatalities in Iraq for July2008 were less than 1/2 the number of Hoosiers gunned down in Indianapolis."- Pointman
Federal agents may take a traveler's laptop or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed.Isn't it ironic that folks get their undies in a bundle over such disregard for the Fourth Amendment but have no problem with the Government playing fast and free with the Second Amendment? I tend to examine how any candidate for office looks at the Second Amendment and withhold my vote accordingly. Maybe I'm not so crazy being a single-issue voter after all.
Also, officials may share copies of the laptop's contents with other agencies and private entities for language translation, data decryption or other reasons, according to the policies, dated July 16 and issued by two DHS agencies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
"I say, Shomes . . . How do you know all this furshluginer stuff?" |