Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hajji Ellison

Some of you may be familiar with Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, our first Muslim congressperson. As he's performed the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca, incumbent upon all Muslims) we might refer to him as Hajji Ellison. That is, if his pilgrimage counted. The gang at Power Line have commented on Congressman Ellison's source of funding for his hajj. He didn't do it out of his own pocket. First it wasn't thenit was the Muslim American Society, the American branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Such duplicity puts the thawab ('religious merit') of his hajj into question as there are certain pre-conditions regarding the Hajj:

All Hajj expenses must be paid out of money obtained through legitimate (Halal) means. Money obtained through illegitimate or doubtful means is not acceptable.

All of your debts and financial obligations must be fully discharged before you start your journey and, where necessary, a written acknowledgement of the transaction obtained for future use.

Well, Keith? Maybe you better go do it again on your own dime.

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