Another splendid time at the Indy BlogMeet with sixteen in attendance at Fionn MacCool's in Fishers (just a little North of Indy). We had a representative of the Ace of Spades HQ "Moronapalooza/Happy Hour Meet-Up (A very charming young woman!) to give us an even number. I'm hell with names and the challenge of getting sixteen right is beyond me (I never took careful notes!) but I'll post a group photo none-the-less:

Who's missing?
Roberta X, who kindly took the picture for me. In way of thanks, I offer up:
"And the proper way to adjust a calibrated stardrive microrelay is with an overhand strike, thusly."
"And lo, I drove OUT the demons of inductive magnetism and inappropriately high resistance!"
The bowling pin match was the bomb! The lineup consisted simply of six hydrocopic marzel vanes so fitted to the ambiphasient lunar wang shaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented even with the cold. The main winding was of the normal lotazode deltoid type placed in panendermic simi-boloid slots of the stator. Every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversable tremi pipe to the differential gurdel spring on the up end of the grammeters. Now I'll demonstrate. . whenever fluorescent score motion is required, it may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciperocation dingle arm to reduce sinusoil depleneration. Bowling pins down!!
"And then I said to thae Captain: Blast his pointy ears! I can tune a star drive better when ahm fair in my cups than he can on hae best day!"
Actually it was, "Baby needs a new holster. Gimme a seven!"
"What was Tesla's dog's name? Ooh! That's easy! I know that one, pick me!"
[bullwhip sound] "Both of my cats charged, but luckily I had my whip!"
rx demonstrates proper poledancing technique...hence the multimale interest. jtc
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