12 hours ago
"You're stepping on the tail."
It all comes back to basic human rights. The problem for the coastal elitists of the Democratic Party is that they refuse to acknowledge that personal defense is a basic right. Obama and Biden have near perfect records of voting against gun rights. One would think they would learn the lessons of Al Gore and John Kerry but they never do. Gun rights and the Second Amendment have NOTHING to do with duck hunting.Though I would not limit this attitude to the coastal elitists of the Democractic Party.
This is your Bush legacy — not Pelosi’s, not Reid’s, not Obama’s: A ginormous bailout of every last, failing, panicked financial institution’s illiquid assets that may reach into the trillions — TRILLIONS – when all is said and done.I see today as the birthday of the United States as a socialist democracy.
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
". . .I gather that liberals don't like Hitler because they're constantly comparing him to Bush."- Ann Coulter
Verizon estimated that out of a 40-week period, Vaccarelli spent 15 weeks talking on 900 chat lines, authorities alleged.I think it'd be hard to keep your calls straight. Instead of asking, "Thank you for calling Verizon. My name is Joe. How may I help you?" Dialin' Joe could get confused and ask, "Are ya nekkid?"
Obama told the crowd that McCain and Palin spent most of the convention talking about their biographies.I get this same sort of stuff at work when I speak of taking a few days off in November for deer season. "Oh, you're going to shoot Bambi!" they say, thinking themselves quite funny. But in my mind what Obama said, as well as what my hilarious colleagues say is on par with someone joking with Obama, "Hey Barry! Heading out to have some watermelon?" and having all the 'good ol' boys' yuck it up at his expense.
Palin's bio is "compelling," Obama said.
The crowd booed. "No, it's an interesting story." More boos. "No, no, it is. I mean that sincerely. Mother, governor, moose shooter."
The crowd broke out in laughter. "That's cool. That's cool. That's cool stuff," Obama said.
Funny that the media never thinks any Democrats' children are fair game.- Ace
If a Democrat mom chooses public office, she’s a patriot Wonder Woman imbued with Absolute Moral Authority on children’s, health, and social welfare issues.- Michelle Malkin
If a Republican mom chooses public office, she’s the child-neglecting spawn of Satan who has no business debating any domestic public policy because of alleged hypocrisy.
Ain’t feminism grand?
"I say, Shomes . . . How do you know all this furshluginer stuff?" |